DLM-SF: Dissemination and Implementation of the Guideline (2023)
Dissemination and implementation of guidelines is very important for the Academy. Dissemination focuses on spreading the knowledge and information from these guidelines to stakeholders via various means. Implementation, on the other hand, involves integration of the evidence-based interventions into practice, and includes examination of barriers and facilitators that can influence the effectiveness of these evidence-based recommendations.
Guideline Dissemination
The publication of this guideline on the EAL website is an integral aspect of this Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline (EBNPG) to dietetics practitioners engaged in, teaching, or researching saturated fat intake and the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
The EBNPG will be disseminated to Academy members through announcements at professional events, social media, list-serves, newsletters, spokespeople, and notification to Academy groups, policy makers and external organizations. Dissemination will be achieved by announcements at professional events, on social media, available on the Evidence Analysis Library website and published in a professional journal, as well as various presentations. The EBNPG and supplementary resources will be freely available for members to use in the education and training of dietetic interns and students in approved Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) programs.
Specific distribution strategies include:
- Publication in full: The guideline and supporting systematic review are available electronically at the Academy Evidence Analysis Library website (www.andeal.org). The Academy Evidence Analysis Library will also provide downloadable supporting information.
- Scientific publication
- Johnson SA, Kirkpatrick CF, et al. Saturated Fat Intake and the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults: An Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2023 123(12):1808-1830.
- Presentations
- Results from the systematic review were presented in an oral session at the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) 2020.
- Disorders of Lipid Metabolism Saturated Fat (2023) Guideline Presentation: this 27-slide MS Powerpoint presentation includes all of the recommendations and ratings of the guideline along with implementation tips and resources. Ideal for meetings, in-service presentations, and classroom lectures (this product is not designed for the consumer). Download for free.
Guideline Implementation
To assist nutrition and dietetics professionals with implementing evidence-based practice recommendations and clinical practice innovations into daily practice, the Academy developed Implementing Evidence: From Guidelines to Daily Practice. Learn more →
For tips on implementing the guideline recommendations, download the Saturated Fat Practitioner Guide. This one-page guide is designed with clear and unambiguous language that may help practitioners and their patients/clients to actively participate in shared decision making for their nutrition care.
Please see the “Considerations for Application” section of the guideline recommendations for tools and expert advice regarding how to implement the recommendations.
Additional information to promote reduction of saturated fat intake within heart-healthy dietary patterns can be found in the following sources:
- Nutrition Care Manual
- Diet Manual: Heart-Healthy (Cardiac) Diet
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Client Education/Diets: Cardiovascular
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025
- National Lipid Association
- Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association
- Heart Healthy Toolbox
- Cholesterol patient Tools and Handouts
- American Heart Association
- Center for Disease Control
- United States Department of Agriculture
Guideline Testing
Guideline Implementation is tested by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Nutrition Research Network. Learn more →
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