The EAL is seeking RDNs and NDTRs who work with patients, clients, or the public to treat children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes, for participation in a usability test and focus group. Interested participants should email a professional resume to by July 15, 2024.

Permission to Reprint Content from the EAL

Procedures to Reprint Information from the Evidence Analysis Library©

All of the information found in the Evidence Analysis Library – Question, Evidence Summary, Conclusion Statement, Conclusion Statement Grade, Recommendation, Recommendation Rating – is copyrighted to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


Copyright is a legal device that provides the owner the right to control how a creative work is used. A copyright is comprised of a number of exclusive rights, including the right to make copies, authorize others to make copies, make derivative works, sell and market the work and perform the work. Any one of these rights can be sold separately through transfers of copyright ownership.
Permission is a license granting an author and his/her publisher certain nonexclusive rights to the material/content concerned. Typically, publishers will require that authors seek permission for content they have used in their works. What is being licensed in a permissions agreement is the re-use of copyrighted expression, not the ideas or data concerned.
Permission must be obtained for any re-use of copyrighted material that appears in the Evidence Analysis Library©. Certain users always require permission. These included (but are not limited to):

  • Inclusion of any substantial portion of work (i.e., one or more chapters of a book) for a college course (known as “coursepack”).
  • Re-use of a table, box, or figure from the EAL in another work.
  • Adapting a table, box, or figure from the EAL for use in another work.


  1. All requests must be submitted in writing to the office by completing a Reprint Permissions Application (pdf).
  2. Permission will be either granted or denied within 10 business days
  3. See the Fee Category section for applicable fees.


Permission will be granted to use EAL copyrighted material at NO CHARGE, will be granted to Academy members, Academy Dietetic Practice Groups (DPGs) and Member Interest Groups (MIGs) for:

  • Another AcademypublicationTo link to the EAL
  • To share with clinical staff
  • For a non-Academy publication providing that the author is not being paid a stipend

Permission will be granted at a fee of $75 per PDF page, table or graph for:

  • Non-Academy members
  • Academy members, DPGs, MIGs producing a publication for profit.
  • Academy member for use in a college course

 Questions can be directed to  



For information on citing the EAL, visit Citing Content from the EAL.