The EAL is seeking RDNs and NDTRs who work with patients, clients, or the public to treat children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes, for participation in a usability test and focus group. Interested participants should email a professional resume to by July 15, 2024.


These presentations are available for your use. Simply download and enjoy. Great for individual learning, teaching a class, or sharing with other health care professionals.

Evidence Analysis Process: Steps and Features

This 42-slide presentation covers the rigorous process followed by the EAL project team and includes:

  • Highlights the EAL's methodology
  • EAL features
Click to download in PPT format or PDF format.

Applying Evidence Analysis to the Creation of Evidence-Based Guidelines

This 18-slide presentation highlights the steps taken to create the EAL's Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines and includes
  • What are evidence-based guidelines
  • Guideline rating explanation
  • Resources
Click to download in  PPT format or PDF format.

Nutrition Care Process Terminology: Overview and Resources

The 61-slide presentation provides an overview of the four steps of the  Nutrition Care Process and includes:
  • Nutrition Care Process Model
  • PES Statement overview
  • NCP resources
Click to download in  PPT format or PDF format.