Saturated Fat (DLM-SF) Guideline (2021-23)

Saturated Fat (DLM-SF) Guideline (2021-23)

The intended population is adults ≥ 18 years of age within the general population. The scope of the systematic review and guideline was not limited by gender or sex, race, ethnicity, anthropometrics, or presence of co-morbidities. The Saturated Fat EBNPG is for individuals living with and without cardiovascular disease, and the scope was not limited to adults with disorders of dyslipidemia. This EBNPG does not apply to children <18 years of age.  

Topics addressed in this EBNPG include:

  • Amount of Saturated Fat Intake
  • Replacement of Saturated Fat Intake
  • Sources of Saturated Fat Intake

Use the links on the left to access the guideline and systematic reviews.

For tips on implementing the guideline recommendations, download the Saturated Fat Practitioner Guide. This one-page guide is designed with clear and unambiguous language that may help practitioners and their patients/clients to actively participate in shared decision making for their nutrition care.

Printing Guideline Materials

The guideline material is designed to be viewed online using the links in the left navigation bar. Individual pages can be printed using the print icon on each page. To print entire sections of the guideline in PDF format, please click below:

DLM-SF 2023 Introduction (6 pages)
DLM-SF 2023 Executive Summary (1 page)
DLM-SF 2023 Recommendations (7 pages)

The report will be generated in PDF format. We recommend Adobe Reader Version 2022 (download for free).

General Information and Disclaimer

This nutrition practice guideline is meant to serve as a general framework for handling clients with particular health problems. The independent skill and judgment of the health care provider must always dictate treatment decisions.


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