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CRDA: Other Outcomes (2023)

Author and Year:
Haslam R, Bezzina A, et al, 2021
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
Can Ketogenic Diet Therapy Improve Migraine Frequency, Severity and Duration?
Haslam R, Bezzina A, Herbert J, Spratt N, Rollo M, Collins C
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Year of publication:
Page numbers:
Study Design:
Randomized Crossover Trial
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:
Inclusion Criteria:
Any gender; aged 18 and over; history of migraine headaches consisting of at least two episodes of moderate intensity (or greater) or at least five episodes of mildly intense headache in the previous four weeks with >/= 50% of headache days being migraine or probable migraine days.
Exclusion Criteria:
Diagnosed with any neurological condition (e.g. epilepsy or mental trauma); medical condition requiring specific medical nutrition therapy (e.g. diabetes or celiac disease); history of strokes; have a pacemaker; currently taking medications contraindicated whilst on ketogenic diet therapy (KDT) (e.g. blood pressure medication or insulin); pregnant or breastfeeding; not proficient in the English language; have an intellectual or mental impairment where decision-making capacity is compromised; do not own a smartphone; have any of the following conditions: gallbladder disease or removal of gallbladder, had bariatric surgery, pancreatic insufficiency, liver disease, history of kidney stones, eating disorder.
Research Purpose:
To investigate whether the ketogenic diet therapy (KDT) is superior to an evidence-informed healthy "anti-headache" dietary pattern (AHD) in improving migraine frequency, severity and duration.
Blinding efforts:
The researcher who randomized the participants had no contact with participants during the trial.
Study Location:
The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia
Source(s) of Funding:
Government, University/Hospital, Community
Please specify names of funders:
Hunter Medical Research Institute, National Health and Medical Research Council Senior Research Fellowship, University of Newcastle Faculty of Health and Medicine Gladys M. Brawn Senior Research Fellowship