The EAL is seeking RDNs and NDTRs who work with patients, clients, or the public to treat children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes, for participation in a usability test and focus group. Interested participants should email a professional resume to by July 15, 2024.

  • Project Team - Sodium 2009

    The following individuals contributed their valuable time and expertise to this project:

    Workgroup Members

    • Debra Krummel, PhD, RD, Chair
    • Tatyana El-Kour, MS, RD
    • Anne 'Christy' Hummell, MS, RD, CNSD, LD
    • Vijaya Juturu, PhD, FACN
    • Janelle Peralez, MPH, RD
    • Marilyn Schorin, PhD, MPH, RD, FADA
    • Barbara Wakeen, MA, RD, LD

    Project Manager

    • Tami A. Piemonte, MS, RD

    Lead Analysts

    • Diane DellaValle, MS, RD (starting March 2009)
    • Joanne Spahn, MS, RD, FADA, (until March 2009)

    Evidence Analysts

    • Stephanie Allshouse, MS, RD
    • Christina Byrnes, MS, RD
    • Sandra Schlicker, MS, RD
    • Jennifer Shoemaker, MS, RD, LD/N
    • Alice Thomson, MS, MPH, RN, RD
    • Janet Yarrow, MS, RD

    Academy Staff

    • Deborah Cummins, PhD
    • Kari Kren, MPH, RD
    • Esther Myers, PhD, RD

    Financial Contributor

    • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
    • International Life Sciences Association, North America (ILSI NA)

    Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest: In the interest of full disclosure, the Academy has adopted the policy of revealing relationships workgroup members have with companies that sell products or services that are relevant to this topic. Workgroup members are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest by completing the Academy Conflict of Interest Form. It should not be assumed that these financial interests will have an adverse impact on the content, but they are noted here to fully inform readers.

    • None of the workgroup members listed above disclosed potential conflicts.
  • Project Team - Harms at Extremes of Sodium Intake (2014)

    The following individuals contributed their valuable time and expertise to this project:

    Workgroup Members

    • Jessie Pavlinac, MS, RD, CSR, LD, Chair
    • Robert Heaney, MD, FASN
    • Nancy Munoz, DCN, MHA, RDN, LDN
    • Desiree de Waal, MS, RD, CD

    Lead Analysts

    • Sue Benson-Davies, PhD, DCN, MPH, RD, LN
    • Mei Chung, MPH

    Project Manager

    • Mujahed Khan, MBA, RD

    Evidence Analysts

    • Christiane Meireles, PhD, RD, LD
    • Diane DellaValle, PhD, RD

    Academy Staff

    • Paula J. Ziegler, PhD, RD, LD

    Financial Contributors

    • ConAgra Foods, Inc.
    • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

    Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest: In the interest of full disclosure, the Academy has adopted the policy of revealing relationships workgroup members have with companies that sell products or services that are relevant to this topic. Workgroup members are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest by completing the Academy Conflict of Interest Form. It should not be assumed that these financial interests will have an adverse impact on the content, but they are noted here to fully inform readers.

    • None of the workgroup members listed above disclosed potential conflicts.
  • Project Resources

    The following resources were developed:

    • Sodium Project Presentation - this 37-slide MS PowerPoint presentation includes all the conclusion statements and grades of the Sodium 2009 EAL project. Ideal for you to use for meetings, in-service presentations and classes (not designed for the consumer). Click to order.