The EAL is seeking RDNs and NDTRs who work with patients, clients, or the public to treat children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes, for participation in a usability test and focus group. Interested participants should email a professional resume to by July 15, 2024.

NPA-GP: Executive Summary of Recommendations (2023)

NPA-GP: Executive Summary of Recommendations (2023)

Executive Summary of Recommendations  

Below are the recommendations and ratings for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition and Physical Activity for the General Population 2023 Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline. Use the links on the left to view the Guideline Introduction. Detailed recommendations, including the evidence supporting these recommendations, is available from the Guideline Recommendations and Supporting Evidence tab. 

  • For  a description of the Academy Recommendation Rating scheme (Strong, Fair, Weak, Consensus, Insufficient Evidence), click here.
  • For a description of the GRADE Recommendation Rate scheme (Level 1 (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D), Level 2 (2A, 2B, 2C, 2D), click here

  • Nutrition Intervention
    NPA-GP: Healthy Adults
    Nutrition and exercise practitioners should provide individualized nutrition and physical activity interventions to healthy adults (those without cardiometabolic risk factors or disease), within their professional scopes of practice, and refer to practitioners with necessary specializations when appropriate for or desired by each client to improve dietary intake and physical activity behaviors.
    Level 1(B)
    NPA-GP: Adults with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
    Nutrition and exercise practitioners should provide individualized nutrition and physical activity interventions to adults with cardiometabolic risk factors, within their professional scopes of practice, and refer to practitioners with necessary specializations when appropriate for or desired by each client to improve cardiometabolic risk factors.
    Level 1(B)

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