Diabetes Type 1 (Pediatrics) (T1DM): Systematic Review (2020-23)

Diabetes Type 1 (Pediatrics) (T1DM): Systematic Review (2020-23)

Welcome to the Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Systematic Review

The aim of the systematic review was to examine the effectiveness of nutrition management interventions on AIC in children and adolescents (6-19 years) living with type 1 diabetes. The expert panel focused on the subtopics of dietary patterns, carbohydrate management, diet quality, food insecurity, culturally relevant/responsive nutrition, vitamin D supplementation, medical nutrition therapy, and macronutrient consumption.

Key Findings:

  • Overall, there was limited available evidence for most of the topics listed above.
  • Limited evidence reports that weekly medical nutrition therapy sessions for the first month after diagnosis and monthly sessions thereafter may reduce A1C.
  • Very low-quality evidence indicates that improvements in diet quality (HEI score) may be associated with better glycemic outcomes.
  • The effects of dietary patterns like Mediterranean, DASH, and low glycemic index on glycemic outcomes are inconclusive.
  • Carbohydrate counting can be an effective strategy to help reduce and provide continued maintenance of A1C goals.
  • Very low-quality evidence indicates that culturally relevant/responsive nutrition intervention increases the ability to achieve improvements in A1C target and the occurrence of adverse events.
  • Very low-quality evidence indicates low socioeconomic status and lower maternal education are associated with poor glycemic outcomes and increased occurrence of adverse events, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, hospitalization, and emergency room calls and visits.

Use the link on the left to view the systematic review including the research questions, search criteria, evidence summaries, and corresponding tables. 



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