Topic List

Evidence Analysis Library Topic List


  • Systematic Review (SR): a high-level process that collects and critically analyzes multiple research studies or papers on a clearly formulated question using explicit methods to identify, select and critically appraise the primary research.
  • Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline (EBNPG): guiding statements, developed from a systematic review, designed to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate nutrition care for specific disease states or conditions.
  • Scoping Review (SCR): is conducted to examine and clarify broad areas which can identify gaps in the evidence, clarify key concepts, and report on the types of evidence that address and inform practice in a topic area. The EAL uses scoping reviews to help define the scope of a systematic review.
  • Umbrella Review (UR): a type of systematic review in which the included articles that are analyzed are systematic reviews.

Members of the Academy have full access to the EAL. However, there is extensive content that is freely accessible to the general public (download list of free content). 

EAL Topic 
(Click title to access project)
Current VersionType of ProjectUpdate Status
Adult Weight Management (AWM)2022EBNPG, SR, SCR 
Advanced Technology in Food Production 2015SR 
Bariatric Surgery2017SR 
Carbohydrate Restricted Dietary Approaches2023SR 
Celiac Disease (CD)2021EBNPG, SR, SCR 
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)2020EBNPG, SR 
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)2019EBNPG, SR 
Coronavirus (COVID-19)2020 na General Information
Critical Illness2012EBNPG, SR 
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)  2020EBNPG, SR, SCR 
Diabetes Type 1 (Pediatrics) 2024EBNPG, SR, SCR 
Diabetes Types 1 and 2 (DM)2015EBNPG, SR 
Diabetes (Type 2) Prevention 2023SR 
Disorders of Lipid Metabolism (DLM)2011EBNPG, SRSee Saturated Fat
Energy Expenditure (EE): Measuring RMR in Healthy and Non-Critically Ill2014EBNPG, SR 
Energy Expenditure (EE): Measuring RMR in Critically Ill2013EBNPG, SRSCR in progress
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)2016EBNPG;,SR 
Heart Failure (HF)2017EBNPG, SR 
Hypertension (HTN)2024SR 
Malnutrition in Older Adults (MiOA)2023 EBNPG, SR,  
Malnutrition in Pregnancy (MIP)2018SR 
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) Open Access2022SR 
Mediterranean Diet and CVD Risks2021UR 
Nutritional Genomics   
Nutrition Guidance in Healthy Children2020SCR 
Nutrition Screening Adults  Open Access2018SR, PP 
Nutrition Screening Pediatrics  Open Access2018SR 
Oncology (ONC)2013EBNPG, SR 
Pediatric Weight Management (PWM)  Open Access2021SR, EBNPG, PP 
Preterm Infant2020EBNPG, SR 
Physical Activity2023EBNPG, SCR, SR 
Retail Nutrition2020SCR 
Saturated Fat2023SR, EBNPG 
Transgender Nutrition2020SCR 
Vegetarian Nutrition (VEG)2024SR 
Collaborative Guidelines  (Academy & Allied Organizations) Open Access   

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