Heart Failure
Welcome to the Heart Failure Guideline and Supporting Systematic Review
The Heart Failure (HF) 2017 Guideline provides an evidence-based summary of medical nutrition therapy for adults with heart failure - NYHA Classes I-IV/AHA Stages B, C and D (view class table).
For the Systematic Review, which supports the guideline, the workgroup concentrated its efforts on five sub-topics:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
- Energy
- Protein
- Sodium and Fluid
- Nutrient Intake and Supplementation:
- Coenzyme Q10, Iron, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Thiamin, and Vitamin D
View the results of 46 evidence analysis questions and conclusion statements by using the links on the left.
The Guideline includes 17 recommendations developed are based on the systematic review, the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force 2013 and 2016 Guidelines, and the European Society of Cardiology 2016 Guidelines, in the following topic areas:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Nutrition Assessment
- Assessment of Energy Needs
- Energy and Protein Intake
- Sodium and Fluid Intake
- Physical Activity
- Educate on Self-Care
- Coordination of Care
- Monitor and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Medical Nutrition Therapy
The 2017 HF guideline complements the 2008 HF guideline. View the HF Guideline Comparison Table to see changes between the newly published and previous guideline.
Use the left navigation bar to view the HF guideline and supporting evidence. The complete guideline in PDF format can be downloaded from here. Expand the sections below for a listing of individuals who contributed to the development of the HF project, disclosures, and funding of this project.
Expand the Guideline Resources section to learn how to purchase the 2017 Heart Failure Evidence-Based Nutrition Recommendations Pocket Card.
- Heart Failure Project Team and Disclosures (2017)
The following individuals contributed their valuable time and expertise to this project:
Workgroup Members
- Toni Kuehneman, MS, RDN, LMNT, Chair
Cardiac Dietitian, Algent Creigton Health (1996-2016) Retired (2016-2017), Omaha, NE, USDA
- Patricia Davidson, DCN, RDN, CDE, LDN, FAND
Assistant Professor, West Chester University, Exton, PA, USA
- Desiree deWaal, MS, RD, CD, FAND
Clinical Dietitian, University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT, USA
- Rita Anne Frickel, MS, RDN, LMNT
Clinical Dietitian, Catholic Health Initiatives, Omaha, NE, USA
- Mary P. Gregory, RD, LDN
Clinical Dietitian, Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
- Carrie King, PhD, RD, CDE, LD
Associate Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
- Deborah Saulsbury, MPH, RD (resigned 12/2014)
Jacksonville, FL, USA
Lead Analysts
- Erica K. Gradwell, MS, RD
Independent Contractor, Arvada, CO, USA
- Elizabeth Droke, PhD, RDN
Professor, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA
Evidence Analysts
- Lisa Moloney, MS, RDN
Evidence Based Practice Manager, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Chicago, IL, USA
- Taylor Wolfram, MS, RDN (resigned 5/2015)
Evidence Based Practice Manager, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Chicago, IL, USA
Project Manager and Methodologist
- Deepa Handu, PhD, RDN
Senior Scientist, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Chicago, IL, USA
Guideline Reviewers
- Katie Braun, MS, RD, LD, CNSC
Clinical Dietitian, Michael E. DeBakey Veteran's Affairs Medical Center, Houston, TX, USA
- Kathryn Coakley, PhD, RD
Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
- Haley Dienst, RD, CD
Clinical Dietitian, University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT, USA
- Jenifer Dressel, RDN, CNSC, LD
Clinical Dietitian, Memorial Hermann Hospital-TMC, Houston, TX, USA
- Mark Gauvin, MS, RD, LDN
Clinical Dietitian, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, USA
- Michael Gillette, PharmD, BCPS-AQ Cardiology, BCACP, ,AACC
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Cardiology, Michael DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, TX, USA
- Nicole Miller, MPH, RD, CDE
Clinical Dietitian, James A. Haley Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tampa, FL USA
- Janet Mulderink, RD, MS, CNSC
Clinical Dietetian, Peacehealth Southwest Medical Center, Vancouver, WA, USA
- Renea Wojnowski, APN-BC
Advanced Heart Failure Coordinator, Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Financial Contributors
- The Heart Failure systematic review and evidence-based guideline was fully funded by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest: In the interest of full disclosure, the Academy has adopted the policy of revealing relationships workgroup members have with companies that sell products or services that are relevant to this topic. Workgroup members are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest by completing the Academy Conflict of Interest Form. It should not be assumed that these financial interests will have adverse impact on the content, but they are noted here to fully inform readers:
- None of the workgroup members listed above disclosed potential conflicts.
- Heart Failure Guideline Resources
The following resources were developed from this topic:
- Heart Failure: Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines Quick Reference Tool - a practical quick-reference pocket guide contains graded recommenations for screening, referral, assessment, intervention and monitoring of the nutritional needs of pateints with heart failure. Click to order.
- Heart Failure (2017) Guideline Presentation - this 50-slide MS PowerPoint presentation includes all the recommendations and ratings of the Heart Failure 2017 Evidence-based Nutrition Practice Guideline. Ideal for you to use for meetings, in-service presentations and classes (not designed for the consumer). Click to order